Database Security
Deter Database Attacks
The amount of digital information in the world is growing leaps and bounds. Driving this proliferation are things like email, video, social media and mobile payments, for example, as well as more fundamental business use cases requiring long-range retention of both structured and unstructured data.
In many cases, this data that is stored in traditional, relational databases or more modern, big data platforms is confidential and mission critical. As a result, they require specific protections, separate from the safeguards that defend networks and applications. With first-class database security solutions that cater to your personal resources, skill levels and business needs, Trustwave can help.

AppDetectivePRO is a database and big data store scanner that can immediately uncover configuration mistakes, identification and access control issues, missing patches or any toxic combination of settings that could lead to escalation-of-privilege or denial-of-service attacks, data leakage or unauthorized modification of data.

DbProtect is a security platform designed for continuous monitoring of enterprise databases. Through its multi-user/role-based access, distributed architecture and enterprise-level analytics and reporting, DbProtect enables organizations to secure all of their relational databases and big data stores throughout their environment (on-site or in the cloud) and achieve business objectives.

Database Risk Assessments
Discover database platforms within your infrastructure and then assess their risk exposure. A Trustwave consultant will provide a comprehensive presentation that outlines key vulnerabilities, prioritizes them by risk level, and explains what they mean, the impact and suggested remediation.
Download the Database Risk Assessment Data Sheet(PDF).