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Trustwave SIEM
meeting mandates and managing threats across your business.

Whether you're looking for compliance efficiency gains or proactive, big data-enabled threat analytics so you can better prepare for advanced threats, the broad and flexible Trustwave SIEM portfolio - combined with leading managed services - can help you get smarter around meeting mandates and managing threats across your business.

Our Portfolio: SIEM Your Way

From simple and intuitive log management appliances to advanced threat correlation and analysis services, Trustwave delivers a broad range of SIEM solutions, built for your business needs. With a variety of deployment options, including appliances, software and managed security services, Trustwave SIEM solutions help organizations of all sizes simplify management and operations, while delivering on big data intelligence security capabilities and interoperability demands of the toughest business, compliance and technical requirements.

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SIEM Log Management Appliances

Simplified log management, compliance management and security coverage packaged in an appliance that is easy to install and manage. SIEM Log Management includes logging, correlation, dashboards and reporting, as well as ad-hoc analysis and forensic investigation capabilities and powerful searching, filtering and visual analysis.

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SIEM Enterprise

SIEM Enterprise is the go-to software platform for organizations that want to detect threats and manage risk and compliance requirements - all with little overhead. SIEM Enterprise's intuitive, browser-based user interface makes it easy to centrally configure, update and operationally maintain the software across your environment.

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Managed SIEM

With a managed SIEM deployment, Trustwave global 24x7x365 Security Operations Centers help remove the day-to-day burden of device monitoring and management, proactively notifying you of threats and compliance risks so you can focus on your core business. Various service levels are available to meet differing requirements.

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SIEM Operations Edition

SIEM OE is an advanced, fully customizable software solution that is ideal for organizations with mature security and compliance programs and skilled staff resources. SIEM OE is also an ideal fit for organizations that require customizable, bi-directional integration with their enterprise applications.

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Threat Analysis

Trustwave Threat Correlation Services enhance SIEM deployments with advanced threat intelligence and analytics. They aggregate and incorporate learned information about criminals and known threats from multiple sources, automate detection and notification of evolving threats, and help you improve the way you monitor your environment - with more insight and higher scrutiny.