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Trustwave for Payment Services
Helps members of the payments industry secure data and become compliant with card brand and industry mandates

Trustwave Solutions
Trustwave Payment Services
Trustwave Payment Services
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In the payments industry, threats to credit and debit card data come from all angles. Payment industry service providers, which include point-of-sale (POS) vendors, payment gateways, hosting providers and payment application developers, all must treat data security and compliance as a top priority.


Payment cards are one of the most valuable forms of sensitive data and face the most continual threats of theft and fraud. These attacks often involve professionally organized, savvy international crime groups, who evolve their tools and processes to evade security measures and steal credit and debit card information. Once stolen, the syndicate launders, resells and distributes the highly desirable payment card data on the black market.

Because payment card data has a shelf life — that is, new cards are constantly being issued and reissued — this theft is an ongoing, continuous cycle. The crime syndicates operate as a business and find the cheapest and most easily repeatable processes that have the highest yield.

The payments community is also complex — and consists of banks, processors, ISOs, payment application developers, and service providers that sell merchant services, equipment, mobile technology and other new payment-acceptance technology.


Trustwave has a long legacy and deep experience helping members of the payments industry secure data and become compliant with card brand and industry mandates, including the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). Our solutions protect each step in the payments chain, and ensure all involved parties are — and stay — compliant.

PCI Compliance Service

Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, Trustwave has the right expertise to help you with your PCI DSS validation efforts.

Network Vulnerability Scanning

As part of your requirements for becoming PCI compliant, vulnerability scanning helps identify weaknesses in your network and provides recommendations to remediate them.

Penetration Testing

The PCI assessment process requires penetration testing to identity any vulnerabilities. Trustwave Managed Security Testing helps you easily manage this process.

Incident Response

In the event of a breach, respond quickly to common point-of-purchase identifications to contain the incident quickly and effectively.

Managed Services

Web Application Firewalls, Network Access Control, SIEM and endpoint security take the heavy lifting out of monitoring and warding off the threats to a payments network.


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Enable Compliance

Identify and mitigate security gaps to ensure payment controls are compliant with industry requirements, such as PCI DSS.

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Streamline PCI

Manage PCI compliance for businesses of all sizes through a simplified, automated process, delivered securely through TrustKeeper, our cloud-based managed services and compliance portal.

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Secure Payment Applications

Pinpoint security weaknesses to ensure secure development and maintenance of compliance with PA DSS.

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Manage E-Commerce Risk

Monitor e-commerce activity and illegal categories in real time to meet card brand requirements (Trustwave is a BRAM qualified monitoring agent).

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Identify Prohibited Data

Monitor systems for prohibited cardholder data, such as primary account numbers (PAN) and track data.

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Gain a Competitive Advantage

Set your business apart in a crowded and competitive marketplace. Securing your organization and your customers' cardholder data is valued by all consumers of payment industry services.